Friday 18 April 2008

Semalam aku,riez,pondan dan aisyah pegi tgk cite CONGKAK kat MID VALLEY.Excited sbnrnya nak tgk sbb baru launch smlm kan.So nak lah jadi diantara org pertama yg tgk.Sgt best yer cerita tu.Bermula dr scene yg pertama kita tidak diberi pilihan untuk berehat.Padat dgn aksi2 yg menakutkan bersama sound system yg asyik nak berdentum.Rasanya cerita kali ini mmg sgt best cume ader beberapa adegan yg menggunakan kecanggihan teknologi mencacatkan cerita ini antaranya aksi tanah terbelah,kuasa2 dan jugak ms si Nanu terapung.Tp itu pndapat akulah.So better korang g tgk citer ni.Sure GEMPAK


Kazman a dedicated husband has decided to buy a bungalo for their family in the outskirts near a lake, as a family getaway each time they want to leave the city life. Sufiah, his wife, didn't agree much with the idea but Kazman has promised his friend that he would purchase the house so he went along with it. Many strange occurance happend along the way to their bungalo including the strange loss of his handphone. As they got their Sufiah wasn't much at ease with the house and begged Kazman to leave immediately but he stood stil with his decision and moved in the bungalo.

Sufiah felt very uneasy most of the times as if she was being watched by another person. Her daughter Lisa would always go downstairs at night to a dark room playing congkak with someone whom seh could only see. Sufiah not pleased with these happenings threw away the congkak in the lake.

Sufiah was awaken again the next night hearing the congkak being played in the same room. As Sufiah went to check the room she saw an old lady was playing the congkak. Many other weird things began to happen with the dissapearence of her daughters as well.

Pak Tua, the oldest resident in that area came to the bungalo to rescue the family and find Ely and Lisa.

Jadi spt biasalah kan sblm tgk wayang kite mstilah menemankan kawan2 yg sentiasa kelaparan.So singgah sekejap kat FoodCourt dan mkn.Lagipun kami spai awal.Dalam 7+ sedangkan wayang yg kami nak tgk stat kol 9.15.Smbil mkn smbil pose.Dah nama pun gilerz gambar..hahahahahTp kalini aku tak mkn byk pun.Just mkn popiah jer sbb perot dan tekak rasa tak sedap.Hurm nak kunyah pun seksa aku rasa..

Slps mkn mcm biasalah smoke dulu the shopping kat Mid.Tp sume pilihan yg ader sgt gampang.Tak menarik langsung.Selamatlah duit aku dr bershopping.So waktu ditunggu pun dah tiba.Tak sbr ni nak tgk Congkak.Dan yg pnting baru aku tau..ketiga2 kwn aku tu sume penakut.Dah lah suker melompat kat kerusi org lain..suke jerit plk tu..hahhaha aku plak bukanlah kata tak cam seramlah jugak citer tu.So aku focus dan tak hiraukan pun yg lain.sian riez sbb aku tak layan die..nak tak nak terpaksalah satu kerusi yg pondan duduk dikongsi bertiga bersama si riez dan aisyah..hahaha..smpaikan bawah kusi pun leh jadi port untuk sembunyi sbb takut..gile betol mereka....

Pas dah settle wayang kami pun gerak g mkn kat Ali Cafe.Ms tu yana dan hidz otw.So lepak2 kejap.Sempatlah nyanyi lagu Heppy Beszday kat hidz.Semoga Pjg Umur Murah Rezeki yer Hidz.Cepatlah kawin..tak sbr nak rasa ader anak buah..hihihi
2 Responses
  1. LittleHid Says:

    kenape aku kene cepat kawen? :P

    dapat anak buah yer? hih!

  2. Says:

    tunggu je hid kawen ngan aku nanti hehe